PAR Project
OECD SME Policy Index Project
Strategy for agriculture development in Tuzla canton
Strategy for environment protection in Brcko district BiH
Development strategy for agriculture, food and rural development in Brcko district BiH
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Project name: Public Administration Reform Strategy

Agenore’s role: Agenore consultant engaged as expert for HRM part of strategy

Project description

Public Administration Reform Coordinator Office as a key body in reform process was founded in October of 2004, as a part of the Prime minister of BH Council of ministers Office, with basic task to coordinate reform activities of public administration reform within Council of ministers and FBiH and RS governments, as well as the government of Brcko District, in close cooperation with EC delegation in BH.

 The main task in 2006 is to coordinate the preparation of the public administration reform Strategy with support of EU technical assistance project, and, afterwards, monitoring and evaluating of the reform progress.

 The Strategy was created with the help of numerous foreign and domestic experts, starting with the recommendations from system reviews (2004), and with the cooperation and support of representatives from governments of all levels, and Brcko District government, organized in six working subgroups:

·            Human resources management

·             Information technology management

·             Legislative drafting/policy making

·             Public finance

·             Administrative procedures

·             Institutional communication

 Adoption procedure will be supported by the results of the opinion pool, as well as with the workshops and roundtables in which different target groups of civil society will take place.
Donor community intending to form ''PAR fund'' in order to provide technical assistance to reform process.

 The Action plans which will follow the First, will be created in those areas where the Strategy and First Action plan offers only general baselines and policies (including subject matters referring to the reform and developing of sectorial capacities).

For more information, please visit www.parco.gov.ba




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